What are some important factors to preserve ghee properly?
Many people are wondering about the shelf life of ghee or trying to know how to store ghee properly. This article will guide you properly about storing ghee. Ghee is also known as clarified butter as it is the clarified form of butter. The milk solids in butter get eliminated while heating and evaporating. The absence of milk solids makes it more shelf stable than any other dairy ingredient. Ghee usually needs no refrigeration support and can stay intact for several months from the date of manufacturing.
- One of the main things to note when it comes to tips to store ghee is that you should keep it in an airtight container to ensure that it stays fresh for as long as possible.
- If you store pure ghee in an open container, it can easily go rancid because the moisture level will increase as the liquid solidifies. If you keep the ghee in its original bottle or jar, it will not get spoiled easily. This means that you will be able to enjoy the flavor of the clarified butter for much longer.
- If you are dealing with bulk quantities of ghee then it is recommended to separate the desired amount of ghee in a separate container for regular use. Store the excess ghee in a separated air-tight jar. If you refrigerate it for later use.
- Another important tip for how to store ghee is using a clean and dry spoon to take out ghee. Any moisture can spoil the ghee reducing the shelf life.
So follow these tips about how to store ghee properly and enjoy the delicious meal with ghee everyday. Dieticians always recommend buying only organic ghee that has organic certification. Now, you can easily order ghee online or you can buy from local shops.